About Us
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Welcome To KSICS

KS Interconnect Systems Pvt. Ltd. (KSICS) is a young and innovative service provider in telecom sector with its wide range of services for Indian and Global Telecom companies. KSICS started its operations in this industry with a Drive Test for Idea (2G & 3G) in U.P West Circle and since then company has kept on expanding its horizons wide into various functions of mobile telephony. In a very short span of time, company has grown its network and today KSICS is a global partner for leading OEMs and Mobile Operators with PAN India.


Industry Overview

India is currently the world’s second-leading telecom market across the globe with a huge customer base of more than a billion in just one and half decade of time. Indian is also expected to emerge as a leading market in virtual world by 2025 as a Microsoft Report. The company forayed in Indian Telecom Market after seeing its huge current and future demands. KSICS realized the need of quality services in this rapidly growing industry and made it the USP of the company to provide best quality solutions to cater emerging needs of the sector.


People @ KSICS

KSICS understands the need of well-trained telecom professionals, which are in great demand and thus it has developed a full-fledged training department comprising experienced faculty, carefully chosen to impart training to fresh engineering graduates on the key areas of Telecommunication and emerging trends. KSICS is already providing contractual services and has a vision to be a leading resource provider to operator in India like

  • Idea
  • Vodafone
  • RIL


KSICS Services

KSICS has spread its wings in 23 Telecom circles of India in just four years of its operations and now offers a wide range of customized solutions to all the OEMs operational in India and some of the major services to name are

  • Radio Network Planning
  • Radio Network Optimization
  • Radio Network Benchmarking
  • Multi Operator Benchmarking
  • Radio Frequency Survey & Audits
  • Core Implementation MSCs & RNCs, BSCs & BSS
  • Installing and Commissioning BTSs
  • Installing and Commissioning Node Bs


KSICS Network

KSICS has developed a PAN India wide network to offer its range of network planning and services. It has branches in Chandigarh and Delhi – NCR region covering North India, and has its associates in PAN India to offer flawless execution of projects without any hassle. KSICS is also planning to open its offices in different parts of India to provide quick and easy solutions to the clients.

Meet The Team
Kuwar Pal Singh (Director),

After completing his B.Tech in the year 2006, took up jobs in the Telcom sector companies, as Telcom sector had always motivated him. Being a part of the Telcom growth in india, he by his entrepreneur skills felt that a lot better could be done and the pace of growth could drastically change if things were taken by his perspective.


This growing perspective of his experience eventually culminated into formation of KS interconnect Services Pvt.Ltd. in the year 2014.


The freedom to implement his way of getting the job done brought appreciation by the bigwigs of the industry. Today with a span of just four years, he has earned a name for his company and brought significance to the company by handling 160+ projects from major Telcom Companies.